
Results from the KoN2018 evaluation

Publicerad: 28 augusti 2018

On this page you can download all the results from the KoN2018 evaluation.

  • Panel and UoA assessments (pdf): This file contains the panel overviews and individual assessments for all Units of Assessments. When opened in Adobe Acrobat you can use the bookmarks, structured in panels and UoA:s, to easier navigate in the document.

  • Scoring - UoAs (pdf): The file contains a compilation of scores for Quality of Research and Societal Impact of Research.

  • Scoring diagrams (pdf): This file contains all the scoring results in the form of diagrams. It also includes an illustration of how the scores for the different criteria are correlated. The purpose of the latter is foremost as ”food-for-thought” and a means to visually represent the data.

  • Main Findings - Strategic Workshop (pdf): The final activity during the KoN2018 evaluation was a strategic workshop where all panel expert reviewers discussed and reflected on what they had heard and learnt during the evaluation. A number of common themes between panels on opportunities and challenges for SLU were identified and communicated to the SLU leadership. A condensate of these findings are presented in this file.

For questions regarding the contents of these files, please contact kon@slu.se.

/The KoN-team
