Andrea Kahn, Professor vid Institutionen för landskapsarkitektur, planering och förvaltning
E-post: andrea.kahn@slu.se
2018 SLU Landscape Call for Ideas launched. Proposals due 1 November 2017.
SLU LANDSCAPE once again invites Call for Ideas (CFI) proposals for collaborative seed projects that will make landscape topic work more visible at SLU; help build external research networks; and/or strengthen landscape education offerings. Teams wanting to apply for funding have until 1 November, 2017 to submit a 2-page (English) proposal describing who is involved, how the idea will be realized, what will result, and why it matters.
Andrea Kahn, Professor vid Institutionen för landskapsarkitektur, planering och förvaltning
E-post: andrea.kahn@slu.se