12 mar


SustAinimal Perspectives: Health and well-being among farming communities in Sweden and in the UK

Welcome to participate in this webinar on a very important topic, crucial for a sustainable and resilient food system. Peter Lundqvist from SLU and Rebecca Wheeler from Center for Rural Policy Research will talk about health and well-being among farming communities in Sweden and in the UK.


09.30-09.35 (Swedish time) - Introduction, Sigrid Agenäs/Thomas Norrby, SLU - Swedish University of Agriculture

09.35-10.05 Health and well-being among Swedish farmers - Peter Lundqvist, SLU - Swedish University of Agriculture

10.05-10.35 Health and well-being among farming communities in the UK - Rebecca Wheeler, Center for Rural Policy Research

10.35-11.00 Discussion - moderated by Tomas Norrby, SLU - Swedish University of Agriculture

This webinar will be in English. The presentations (but not the discussion) will be recorded, and presented on SLU Play afterwards. The seminar is open for everyone interested, so feel free to join with the Zoom-link below.

SustAinimal Perspectives – Dialogues paving the way for a sustainable and competitive food production

Meeting URL


Passcode: 291283

Meeting ID: 689 3111 6007



Tid: 2024-03-12 09:30 - 11:00
Ort: Online
Arrangör: SustAinimal
