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30 nov


SustAinimal Annual Theme Conference

SustAinimal Annual Theme Conference 2023 - Reflecting on the bridging of knowledge perspectives

Tentative program:

13.00-13.30 Welcome and introduction! Status and achievements in SustAinimal so far.

13.30-14.00 Sustainability measurement based on a policy and system perspective

14.00-14.30 Workshop: Our relevance to selected societal challenges - who do we need to reach with our new results and insights?

14.30-14.45 Coffee break

14.45-15.15 Workshop, part 2

15.15-15.40 Follow-up of discussions in groups

15.40-16.00 Conclusions and summing up


The program is in work, more details will come...



Tid: 2023-11-30
Ort: Digitalt
