
Jasmine Zhang

Postdoc researcher for the project SVALUR. Jasmine has backgrounds in both natural and social sciences and would very much like to understand the world through an environmental humanities' approach.


While gained my PhD in Tourism from the University of Otago, New Zealand in 2016, I have also a B.Eng in Food Science from the Southwest Forestry University in China. 'Nature' and 'Communication' are two core things that connect my wide-ranged interests. I believe important issues such as conservation and biodiversity can be better communicated among various actors in society through a better understanding of how human-human and human-nonhuman relations work in different contexts, which requires good interdisciplinary research. In the past ten years, I have worked within different projects, all connecting to this point. I am also passionate about doing ethnographical fieldwork, especially in peripheral and remote areas. In addition, I reflect on and write about issues of methodologies and ethics in knowledge production and distribution, and try to incorporate those questions in both research and teaching.
