Doctoral student guide: Chapter 8 - Practical information for doctoral students

Last changed: 21 April 2023

SLU have several support functions that are there to help you with your doctoral education, research and teaching. Below is a compilation of links to support functions and systems that you can use.

SLU support functions

Technical systems

E-mail and calender functions

Search for doctoral courses at SLU

Canvas - SLU's learning platform 

Ladok - Study administration

Ladok Student - In Ladok Student you can create certificates and apply for a degree. 

ISP Portal - All doctoral students must have an individual study plan (ISP). At SLU, these are created and managed in the ISP portal.

Edusign - Edusign is used for e-signing to approve documents digitally.

Proceedo - Proceedo is the university's system for purchasing, through which all orders should be placed. All supplier invoices are handled in Proceedo as well.

Primula self service - In Primula self service you can register travel expenses, leave-of-absence, sick leave etc.

Practical information

Many of the practical things that you will need help with, you can ask one of the department's administrators about. Ask your supervisor to introduce you to these people as soon as possible, they are an important support for you!

Mailing lists. Each faculty has an email list for the faculty's doctoral students. Make sure to get on the list as soon as possible. Contact your faculty's director of studies or the administrator at the faculty office to join. Are you for example an industrial doctoral student, or sandwich doctoral student? It is as important for you to join the mailing lists as for the doctoral students that are employed at the department. Otherwise you might loose information on courses and other important things related to your education. Information on social activities will also be distributed via these mailings lists. 

Living and working in Sweden - tips and advice for, among other things, foreign doctoral students.

Practical information about living in Sweden and working at SLU - compiled by the HR department. Contains, among other things, information about finding a home in our various locations.

There are three Employee associations at SLU ("Facket"). You can find more information about the employee associations/trade unions in the national PhD student handbook. 

Unemployment insurance fund. Unemployment benefits in Sweden vary depending on how much you worked, what you earned and how long you have been a member of an unemployment insurance fund. One of the requirements to receive benefits based on your previous salary is that you have been a member of an unemployment insurance fund for the past 12 months. You receive benefits on the same terms regardless of which unemployment insurance fund you are a member of. You can read more about this at the webpage of, for example, the "Akademikernas a-kassa" (Unemployment insurance for
university graduates). 

Book your business trip. 

SLU's work on environmental issues and environmental policy

Security matters at SLU are handled centrally by the Security Unit. 

Purchases and invoice management (Proceedo)