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Current calls for funding

Here you will find links to pages with information on both internal (within SLU) and external funding of research and envirnmental assessment. The external calls are listed by Grants Office, and the internal are mainly from the Future platforms. 

Current internal calls

Current external calls

  • Application deadline: 31 July 2024 Externfinansiering Other - EU funders Research and Innovation grants Q3 Jul-Sep

    Animal Welfare: heat stress in livestock during transport

    The aim of the present call is the identification of one or several partners among Article 36...
  • Application deadline: 15 August 2024 Externfinansiering Other - Swedish funders Research and Innovation grants Q3 Jul-Sep

    Project grants for new, improved and accessible research data 2024

    The purpose of the call is to fund projects that can generate research data or make it accessible...
  • Application deadline: 22 August 2024 Externfinansiering Swedish Farmer's Foundation for Agricultural Research (SLF) Research and Innovation grants Q3 Jul-Sep

    Integrated crop protection for increased competitiveness

    SLF announces SEK 8 million for research in integrated plant protection and integrated weed contr...
  • Application deadline: 26 August 2024 Externfinansiering Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF) Research and Innovation grants Q3 Jul-Sep

    SSF Future Research Leader

    During a five-year period, the participants receive a grant of SEK 15 million each and will also...
Published: 06 February 2023 - Page editor: webbredaktionen@slu.se