Salary criteria at SLU

Last changed: 10 April 2024

Our salary criteria are based on SLU’s assignment and objectives as described at a comprehensive strategic level. The question asked is what performance is needed to achieve these objectives. The answers constitute our salary criteria.

The purpose of the criteria is to ensure that salary-setting, as part of the pay review, is based on a factual assessment of an employee’s performance and skills in relation to the requirements and responsibilities involved in the tasks, and the organisation’s objectives. The salary criteria provide support and a means of control for managers and staff, and they encourage good performance and goal attainment.

Our salary criteria must be gender-neutral and free from all forms of discrimination.

How the salary criteria are linked to the staff development review

It is important that the salary criteria are well known among staff and that there is support for them. For the criteria to be meaningful, employees must, in good time before a pay review, be well aware of them and how they will be used to assess performance. During the spring staff development review, employees and their line managers discuss the criteria. The purpose of the staff development review is to clarify the objectives and performance needed and what criteria will be used to assess performance as part of the autumn pay review.

The staff development review is looking to the future, the salary-setting appraisal/salary appraisal is for reflecting upon past achievements.

SLU has salary criteria for research, teaching, environmental monitoring and assessment, clinical work, managers with staff management responsibilities, technical work and administrative work. Some criteria are used for all staff categories but are still listed for each category.

The examples of performance for each category are not exhaustive, as what tasks the members of a category have will vary. During the staff development review, employees and their managers should discuss what performance is expected of the employee.

If required, the examples can be modified to suit different needs. They can also decide to weight criteria differently from year to year.

Salary-setting managers with members of staff who also work for another SLU unit must consult with that unit to collect information on performance before the salary-setting appraisal/salary appraisal.

SLU's salary criteria per category

Old salary criteria


HR Unit, Division of Human Resources