Division of Planning, Enheten för forskning
In order to conduct high-quality research, access to advanced research infrastructure is required. The term research infrastructure is broad and includes, for example, instrumentation, service laboratories, databases, research stations, experimental livestock facilities, research vessels, collections and long-term field experiments.
Research infrastructure on a smaller scale is often found at the respective department or equivalent, while access to more specialised and large-scale infrastructure is coordinated at university level, national level or international level. Large-scale research infrastructures are openly available regardless of which university is responsible, sometimes after application and prioritisation.
E-infrastructure, or digital infrastructure, spans across other research infrastructure and is of critical importance to its functionality. The concept includes, for example, resources and services for calculation, storage, and making data and software available.
Responsibility for research infrastructure lies primarily with the faculty or department.
For university-wide coordination and forum for the vice-chancellor in matters relating to infrastructure, there is the Research Infrastructure Council, Fir. Fir consists of faculty representatives, student representative, head librarian and IT director, and is chaired by the vice-chancellor.
Fir has developed Guidelines for research infrastructure at SLU, where common principles for the distribution of responsibilities, prioritisation processes, funding and accessibility are set out (only available in Swedish).