SLU is one of the founding members of the Nordic Forestry, Veterinary and Agricultural University Network - NOVA. Since the start in 1995, the main activity within the network has been jointly organised PhD courses.
Since 2020, NOVA have been working under a revised collaboration model, involving less bureaucracy and higher autonomy of each partner university, where course organisers apply for NOVA course funding at their respective home universities. The new model still enables collaboration with colleagues at other NOVA universities and with participants from NOVA universities and other international universities/organisations. To facilitate networking and get practical experiences, courses including on-site field/lab/classroom modules are encouraged, but completely on-line courses are also possible.
In the new NOVA model, SLU teachers interested in organising a NOVA course, should submit applications online to SLU NOVA.
1 – Develop your idea for a NOVA PhD-course, preferably in collaboration with other scientists from NOVA institutions and in accordance with the SLU funding requirements.
NB! You can also apply for NOVA funding for an already approved course, if it meets the required criteria.
2 – Create at course plan for your PhD-course according to the regulations at your home department.
3 – Make sure that the course plan is approved by the faculty board (FUN) and registered in Ladok.
4 – Apply for the NOVA-funding here
5 – If funding is granted, provide the NOVA-coordinator at SLU ( with all information necessary to announce the course on the NOVA website.
SLU NOVA applications are assessed twice a year, with yearly deadlines typically in mid-May and Mid-November.