CV page

Last changed: 09 July 2024

All employees can create their own CV page.

Instructions for employees to create their own CV page

You can create and change your CV page from the startpage of the staff web, choose Tools and Systems. Please observe that you must be logged in with lower-case letters. An instruction with pictures showing how to do it can be found here: Publish your CV page.

Step by step

  1. You should never mix the languages on the web pages. Go to the staff web's start page in the language version where you want to publish most part of your information. Log on to the right (you may already be logged on). Use your regular AD written with lower-case letters .
  2. Click on Tools and systems and find Create/change your CV
  3. Fill out the form, if you do not have information for all the boxes, leave them empty. The fields that do not hold text will not be visible on the page.
  4. Your work place, contact information and photo are collected from Idis, SLU's digital identity catalogue.
  5. When you choose Save, the page is published. Have a look and see if the result is as expected.
  6. In order for the CV page to be visible in both languages, change the language in the top menu (Svenska or English) and repeat the above process in the other language. Even if you do not want a page in Swedish, at least create a Swedish page and write: "All information ligger på den engelska sidan. Klicka på English i toppmenyn."

What to write under each headline

Short summary: The most important about you in short, i.e research areas you are active in. Use words that you wish people to find you through. Writing in third person can increase the hits on your name.

Presentation: Expand on what you've written above, overarching about you as a person, your research and driving forces. Not long texts, focus on what your target group needs to know about you.

Teaching: Which programmes and courses are you a teacher in? Or let us know more about your involvement in education?

Research: Which projects to work with? What have you found in your research? Link to potential web pages.

CollaborationWhy is this research important you and society? How do you collaborate and with whom? Perhaps refer to your blog or twitter, link to a lecture or similar.

Background: Additional information about yourself that was not part of the presentation. Perhaps your education, what you did before you became a researcher.

Supervision: Your PhDs and master student theses.

Publication: Highlight your latest publications, link to an updated list on SLU-pub (your web publisher at the department can help you to get a rss flow from SLUPub on the page), google scholar etc. Don't forget popular science publications!

Links: Perhaps link to social media, articles written about your research, collaboration partners and so on.

Tags: This your web publisher colleague has to help you with! Choose relevant research area. Several alternatives are possible. The department is already mentioned in your contact information.

Pictures: If you want to have a picture, other than the one from Idis, on your CV page your web publisher colleague can help you with that! 
