Questions and answers

Last changed: 04 February 2025

How does the SLU brand architecture work? We will be adding questions and answers to this page to build up a question bank.

  • How are names for new organisational units created?
    The starting point is always the SLU language guidelines and style guide, as well as the naming principles described in the instructions for the SLU brand architecture.

  • Our name is a well-established abbreviation, is that ok to use?
    SLU is an acronym. It is used together with the names of organisational units, and these need to be descriptive, full names, not abbreviations. A name consisting of two abbreviations is difficult to communicate and should be avoided. An example is the SLU Biodiversity Centre. We write the name in full, not SLU CBM

    However, acronyms can be used in body text if needed. Take the example above, the SLU Biodiversity Centre. The Swedish acronym CBM can be used in body text but must be expanded and explained the first time it appears. Acronyms must not be used together with logotypes. Always use the full name with logotypes.

  • Our operations are unique, can we use our own logotype?
    Organisational units that are part of the SLU master brand can only use the SLU logotype, not their own. However, it may be possible to create a combined logotype that also includes the SLU logotype and the unit name. Please contact the Division of Communication for assistance. 

    SLU sub-brands, and collaboration brands, may use their own logotypes.

  • We are arranging a conference, can we create a new logotype to market it?
    If a conference is arranged by SLU, this must be clearly stated in all marketing materials. To catch the eye and provide a common thread, an illustration or conference symbol/logotype can be used in marketing material, together with SLU as the sender.

  • Must all names be listed in the brand register?
    Names of organisational units at SLU such as faculties, departments, divisions and units are part of the master brand and their names must conform to the guidelines. These names are not listed in the brand register.

  • Is there an SLU brand strategy?
    Our brand architecture is based on what is known as a combination strategy. There is one general rule, which is to use only the master brand SLU as the sender but to allow exemptions from this main principle in certain cases. This means that the master brand SLU may be combined with sub-brands, or co-exist with other, external brands if there are good reasons for this.

  • Who takes decisions on sub-brands?
    Any decisions on exemptions for sub-brands are taken by the vice-chancellor.

  • I need to register a periodical with SLU as the publisher, must SLU be part of the name?
    Periodicals are part of the master brand which means SLU must always be part of the name.


Brand Management and Communication Platforms Unit 
Division of Communication