Using the media bank

Last changed: 24 November 2020

In the new SLU media bank, you can filter your search results by searching for one or more words or part of a word.

Searching for part of a word using asterisks *

This function is helpful if you are unsure about the spelling of a name, or if you do not know whether to search for the singular or plural form.

Go* will result in images of for example Gooseberries and goats

*Go* will result in images of for example Mongolia, mango, goats and gooseberries.

Searching for phrases 

Use quotation marks to search for phrases such as "New York", "Bo Andersson" eller "environmental monitoring", where the word order is important to get the hits you want. If you do not use quotation marks when you search for "Bo Andersson", you will most likely end up with images of both Agneta Andersson and Bo Svensson.

Using + and – to delimit your search

Do you want to search for veterinary but not include any images of dog?

+veterinary -dog will result in images tagged with veterinary but not dog

+veterinary +dog will result in images tagged with both veterinary and dog

If you do not write + in front of the words when you search for a phrase, the hits will include all images containing at least one of the words you searched for.

Combining * and + or -

You can combine searching for part of a word and searching for a phrase:

+lab* +chromatograph* will result in images tagged with for example laboratory and chromatography.