The SLU Media Bank
Here you will find pictures of SLU activities and campuses but also portraits and photos and illustrations of various SLU topics. If you visit the media bank from inside the Active Directory of SLU (AD) you will access a larger material than is visible for external visitors. Therefore, the Students & Staff section of the media bank is the best choice for researchers, students and employees at SLU.

Pictures free for editorial use
The material in the mediabank is free to use for editorial purposes under the condition that the name of the photographer is stated. The material may not be used for commercial use.
- Make sure that you give attribution to the photographer and SLU in this manner "Photo: Viktor Wrange, SLU", when using the material.
If you are featured in one or many of the pictures in the Media Bank, and want this material removed, or if you have any other any questions or concerns regarding the Media Bank, do not hesitate to contact the Picture Editor!

GDPR and the use of photos and videos
At SLU we collect large amounts of personal data in the form of photos and videos, along with related information such as first name, surname and department/workplace/type of studies. This material is used to inform the public about SLU, and to increase interest in SLU’s activities, courses and programmes.