SLU IT-Servicedesk
Tel: 018-67 66 00
(+46-18-67 66 00 when calling from outside Sweden)
Open 08.00-16.00
When you use your SLU email account, you should always sign your messages with SLU’s official email signature. Together, we send thousands of emails each day, and it is important that the sender follows a standard and seems trustworthy. It should also be easy for the recipient to find your contact information and see that you work at SLU.
The easiest way to create your signature in your email application is to copy one of the examples below, paste it into your email programme (Outlook or other). If you cannot find the settings, search for "signature" in your email software. Make sure to change to your own contact information.
Forename Surname
Academic Title
Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
PO Box 1234, SE-123 45 CITY
Visiting address: Examplestreet 1
Phone: +46 123-45 67 89, Mobile: +46 70-123 45 67,
Forename Surname
Student at Program/Course/etc
Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Mobile: 070-123 45 67,
Font: Arial regular
Size: 9 points
Colour: black
Use this font for the email text (set as the default font for your email):
Font: Arial regular
Size: 11 points
Colour: black
Tel: 018-67 66 00
(+46-18-67 66 00 when calling from outside Sweden)
Open 08.00-16.00