This is SLU – A film about what makes us unique
A film that highlights what makes SLU unique and explains the most important parts of SLU that staff, students and researchers are proud of and want to tell others about.
The film can be used for both information and marketing purposes, in contexts where you want to present SLU.
Use the film when you want to inform about SLU, internally and externally.
Length: 2:44
Swedish version (on Youtube).
Subtitled videos to link to from your presentation.
SLU is you - a film about our brand
We are all part of SLU, and together we can strengthen the trust in and increase the impact of our university. The film SLU is you was produced as part of the work with SLU´s brand manual, as part of the branding project "The image of SLU". The purpose of the film is to build internal pride and provide inspiration. It can, for example, be used when introducing new employees or to inform about the SLU brand in other contexts.
Use the film: show to new employees, for inspiration, to inform about the SLU brand.
Length: 2:16
Swedish version
The film about SLU
We asked SLU staff and students the question "How do you contribute to a better world?". They filmed their stories with their mobile phones. These are a few glimpses of all the films we received, an insight into the work we do at SLU to contribute to a sustainable, living and better world using challenging science.
Use the film: for new employees, to inform others about SLU, for inspiration.
Length: 3:58
Also available with English subtitles.
Subtitled videos to link to from your presentation.
Thematic films
There are currently six films. The main film is slightly longer, covering a mixture of subjects. In addition, there are five thematic films based on the material we have received: Environment & water, Animals, Food, Forests, and Students.
Use the films
You are welcome to use the films when presenting SLU in different contexts, for example by linking to a film from your Powerpoint presentation.
Please note that there are subtitles. You can activate them manually in the bottom right-hand corner of the film window.