Roll-up (InDesign)

Last changed: 08 January 2025

There are InDesign templates for roll-ups, designed to match the exhibition and event material available for borrowing.

The InDesign templates are in Swedish and are mainly intended for advanced users familiar with the software - switch to the Swedish version of this page for more information.

Please note that the InDesign templates use the typefaces Akzidenz Grotesk and Bembo. More about our typefaces and how to access them.

For those unfamiliar with InDesign, the Layout and Print Services Unit can help produce a customised roll-up.


  • Decide what function the roll-up will have - a teaser, provide information or something else? 
  • Write a short and concise message. 
  • Place the most important information at the top, as the area further down will often be concealed. 


Layout and Print Services Unit
Division of Infrastructure (Infra), SLU Services

Alnarp: +46(0) 40-41 50 09
Ultuna och övriga orter: +46(0) 18-67 27 88

Brand Management and Communication Platforms Unit 
Division of Communication