Our image collages

Last changed: 12 March 2025
First slide of the SLU powerpoint-templet shown at the aula in Uppsala.

In addition to pictures of our activities, we have unique image collages that make our communications stand out and create recognition. The image collages are intended to serve as an overall framing and to give a modern, creative feeling. As far as possible, the details in the collages should be authentic photos from our activities.

The image collages do not replace factual images. They should be used in, for example, an overall presentation of SLU. The collages are meant to be used as an overall framework and can be used for print media, as large background pictures on the web start page, as an introduction or ending in Powerpoint presentations and so on. We can also highlight parts of the collages for use in different ways to create recognition.

Versions of the image collages

There are some versions of the image collages designed for specific purposes and levels of operations. Choose the collage or shot that best suits your part of the organisation.

Overall image collage

Picture of the SLU branded image collage, a combination of pictures from various research activities.

Image SLU's main profiling collage
Image of SLU's main profiling collage.

Organisation-specific image collages

Picture of the branded image collage of the NJ faculty.Picture of the branded image collage of the VH faculty.Picture of the branded image collage of the LTV faculty.

Authentic details

The details in the collages are in most cases authentic pictures from different SLU activities. Here are some examples:

Sections of the collages

By using sections of the image collages, we can enhance SLU’s expression in various ways and tie our communications together.

The whole image

Example of how the SLU profile collage in its hole can be used.

Use the whole image collage to show the university’s breadth and entirety. Used for example on web pages, cover pages and in trade fair materials, where the collage can be the message-bearer.

Decor image

Example of how a section of the SLU’s profile collage can be used.

Use a small section of the collage to create various types of decoration. Works well with short blocks of text.


Example of how a detail in the SLU’s profile collage can be used as a pattern.

Use a zoomed-in detail of the collage to create a pattern. Ideal for use in a smaller space, in addition to photos of activities.

Texture with colour

Example of how a detail of the SLU’s profile collage can be used together with a color from our color palette.

Use one of the palette colours on a zoomed-in detail or pattern to create a more uniform background or better legibility when you want to have writing on the collage. This is an example with the colour chlorophyll on a textured background.

Tip: You can download ready-made textured colour blocks in the SLU media bank under the heading Promotional.


The image collages are designed by SLU’s image editor Jenny Svennås-Gillner.


Jenny Svennås-Gillner, Picture editor/photographer
Division of Communication, SLU
+46 18-67 22 99
+46 768-09 22 99

Brand Management and Communication Platforms Unit 
Division of Communication