Formulations and messages

Last changed: 04 February 2025
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On this page, you will find support for creating a presentation of SLU and information about the messages we use at SLU.

When we speak, write and appear in public, the brand is always the starting point; it is expressed in our language and tone. The most important parts to think about are our brand values (our soul), our position (our distinctiveness) and our personality (what we are like).

Thus, our communication should be characterised by diversity and understanding of different ways of being, thinking and acting. It should feel surprising – that we offer something unexpected, a new perspective or an unusual approach. We must also radiate trustworthiness and genuineness.

This is how we express ourselves

To reflect our personality as a global, modern, relevant, creative and responsible university, our verbal communication should be defined by:

  • language adapted to the recipient’s needs, interests and wishes
  • a direct form of address and a simple, concrete language
  • established terms that the target group is well familiar with
  • formulations that pique our target group’s interest and curiosity
  • words that create optimism and faith in the future
  • explanations of why we do things, not only what we do and how.

The image shows two examples of poster with content adapted to the targetgroup.

Examples of adapted messages. On the left, the target group is international partners, on the right it is a group of potential students. 

Ready-to-use messages

Present SLU in different contexts with texts that are ready to use, available in both English and Swedish. 

Our frame story – the hole story about us

Our frame story places us in a context and illustrates our identity, our raison d’être, our role, our values and our goals.

It contains a dramaturgical structure and can be used when you want to incorporate storytelling in your communication. The world and its global challenges are the starting point, from which we zoom in on what we do.

The story can be used whenever you need to tell the whole story about us. It should always be used in its entirety, word for word, and not be changed or distorted.

English version

"Our planet is fantastic. For thousands of years, humans have evolved in tandem with the natural environment and learnt to make use of the resources and sustenance that the planet supplies. Today we are facing completely new challenges – climate change that will lead to global warming and rising sea levels is becoming increasingly apparent. Together we must create the best conditions for a sustainable future.

SLU is a world-class international university focusing on the very foundations of our existence: clean water, a living landscape, sustainable food production, high standards of animal welfare and sustainable cities. We bring together people who have different perspectives, but they all have one and the same goal: to create the best conditions for every living thing on our planet.

In order to succeed, we must have the courage to question and challenge. We must seek out new paths and be open to new solutions. By seeing things nobody has seen before and thinking of ideas nobody has thought of before, we are contributing to real change. Through education, research and environmental assessment we are creating the right conditions for a sustainable, thriving and better world."

Svensk version

"Vår planet är fantastisk. Under årtusenden har mänskligheten utvecklats i samspel med naturen och lärt sig att ta tillvara de resurser och tillgångar som jorden ger. Idag står vi inför helt nya utmaningar – klimatförändringar som leder till global uppvärmning och stigande havsnivåer blir alltmer påtagliga. Vi måste tillsammans skapa de bästa förutsättningarna för en hållbar framtid.

SLU är ett universitet i internationell toppklass som fokuserar på själva grundstenarna för vår existens: rent vatten, levande landskap, uthållig matproduktion, god djuromsorg och hållbara städer. Hos oss samlas människor med olika perspektiv, men med ett och samma mål: att skapa de bästa livsvillkoren för allt levande på vår planet.

För att lyckas måste vi våga ifrågasätta och utmana. Vi måste söka nya vägar och vara öppna för nya lösningar. Genom att se saker ingen tidigare sett och tänka tankar som ingen tidigare tänkt, bidrar vi till verklig förändring. Med utbildning, forskning och miljöanalys skapar vi förutsättningar för en hållbar, levande och bättre värld."


Elevator pitch – short version of our frame story

The elevator pitch is a shorter, more boiled-down version of our frame story. It can be used when you need to describe the core of our identity in a tight space with just a few sentences.

For example, as a brief description of SLU in PowerPoint presentations, trade fair materials and as the boilerplate on various printed matter. And of course it can be used orally in a brief conversation in an elevator. It should always be used in its entirety, word for word, and not be changed or distorted.

English version

"SLU is a world-class international university. We bring together people who are contributing to real change. Through our knowledge and action, we are creating the right conditions for a sustainable, thriving and better world."

Svensk version

"SLU är ett universitet i internationell toppklass. Hos oss samlas människor som bidrar till verklig förändring. Med kunskap och handling skapar vi förutsättningar för en hållbar, levande och bättre värld."

Boilerplate – short and objective text

Like the elevator pitch, the boilerplate is a boiled-down description of SLU. It contains basic data about the university and should be perceived as objective.

The boilerplate can be used in press releases and contexts where someone else needs to describe SLU.

This text is to be used in its entirety, but where needed it can be expanded with formulations specific to the given organisation.

English version

"SLU is a world-class international university with research, education and environmental assessment within the sciences for sustainable life. Its principal sites are in Alnarp, Umeå and Uppsala, but activities are also conducted at research stations, experimental parks and educational establishments throughout Sweden. We bring together people who have different perspectives, but they all have one and the same goal: to create the best conditions for a sustainable, thriving and better world."

Svensk version

"SLU är ett universitet i internationell toppklass med forskning, utbildning och miljöanalys inom vetenskaper för hållbart liv. Huvudorter är Alnarp, Umeå och Uppsala, men verksamhet bedrivs också på forskningsstationer, försöksparker och utbildningsorter i hela landet. Hos oss samlas människor med olika perspektiv men med det gemensamma målet att skapa de bästa förutsättningarna för en hållbar, levande och bättre värld."

Main messages

SLU has three main messages that describe our role, activities and distinctiveness.

The main messages can be communicated to all target groups and in all channels, but can also be adapted and made more concrete for a specific target group. The passage under each message should be seen as explanatory.

English version

  • We are a world-class international university
    We conduct world-class research in several areas.
  • We take on fundamental issues that affect all of us
    We focus on the very foundations of our existence: clean water, a living landscape, sustainable food production, high standards of animal welfare, sustainable cities and raw materials that can replace fossil fuels and materials.
  • We make the world a better place
    Our knowledge creates the right conditions for a sustainable, thriving and better world.

Swedish version

  • Vi är ett universitet i internationell toppklass
    Vi bedriver forskning i världsklass inom flera olika områden.
  • Vi tar oss an livsviktiga frågor som berör oss alla
    Vi fokuserar på själva grundstenarna för vår existens: rent vatten, levande landskap, uthållig matproduktion, god djuromsorg, hållbara städer och bioråvaror som kan ersätta fossila bränslen och material.
  • Vi förbättrar världen
    Vår kunskap skapar förutsättningar för en hållbar, levande och bättre värld.


Brand Management and Communication Platforms Unit 
Division of Communication