Who can be nominated?

Last changed: 10 January 2019

People or groups employed by SLU who have made exemplary efforts in education to the benefit of the learning of students in one or more of the four categories below can be nominated.

Teaching efforts

Cooperation with colleagues and/or students in order to develop teaching. For example:

  • creating a positive environment that stimulates the students' involvement and interest in the subject and thereby promotes learning

  • stimulating the critical thinking, creativity and own learning of students

  • integrating different forms of skills training in their teaching

  • putting the course and the subject into context and linking to current research and international conditions

  • adapting teaching and supervision to the background and level of the students/doctoral students

  • providing constructive feedback to the students on their learning in different situations

  • refreshing and developing teaching and examination formats

  • developing online teaching methods in such a way as to provide added value for teaching 

  • developing teaching methods to integrate gender issues, sustainable development, etc. 

Cooperation with colleagues and/or students to develop teaching

Recognised interest in and commitment to developing teaching at the department in conjunction with colleagues and students. For example:

  • establishing dialogue with the students on the forms and content of the teaching and using this knowledge to develop teaching

  • taking the initiative in various forms of cooperation with students, colleagues, other staff and teachers at other departments with regard to undergraduate education

  • refreshing the forms and content of teaching in conjunction with colleagues (e.g. online teaching)

Educational leadership

Clear and valued educational leadership with a recognised interest in and commitment to driving the development of teaching forwards. For example:

  • creating a positive environment for the discussion of educational issues

  • initiating and driving the development of teaching

  • initiating various educational activities for teachers

  • facilitating the professional development of other teachers

  • supporting teachers to act on their own initiative to develop teaching

  • establishing ways of developing dialogue with the students

  • establishing the well-functioning reception of new students

  • establishing a well-functioning introduction for new teachers

  • motivating students and colleagues to get involved in developing strategies and objectives for teaching

  • planning and leading a range of educational activities based on gender issues

  • evaluating and monitoring the impact of various educational measures

  • identifying and utilising financial and human resources to drive forward educational development

Disseminating good models and results from the development of teaching

Recognised interest in and commitment to disseminating good examples of educational development in a range of forums outside their own department/university. For example:

  • refreshing teaching materials and communicating this to other teachers or departments

  • developing new teaching and/or examination formats and spreading knowledge of these

  • developing online forms of teaching/materials and spreading knowledge of these

  • authoring high-quality course literature or other study resources