Planning and follow-up of doctoral education

Last changed: 25 October 2024

In the Higher Education Ordinance, degree outcomes are described for the doctoral and licentiate degrees, and these must be fulfilled in order for the degree to be issued. The degree outcomes describe the knowledge and skills that the doctoral student should have obtained at the degree. The individual doctoral program is jointly planned by the doctoral student and supervisor with the help of the individual study plan (ISP).

Planning and follow-up involve a number of compulsory steps (Figure), and must be documented in the individual study plan, ISP.


Time-line of compulsory steps in doctoral education

Degree outcomes in doctoral education

The degree outcomes describe the knowledge and proficiency to be achieved by the doctoral student in order for the degree to be awarded. The process of achieving these outcomes, that is the content and form of the programme, may vary from one student to another, depending on factors such as the student's prior knowledge and the nature of the thesis work.

The supervisor and student must arrive at a common understanding of the implications of the degree outcomes for them specifically, that is they must formulate individual learning outcomes for the programme. All planning and follow-up must include a discussion of the student's current knowledge and proficiency in relation to the learning outcomes.