General information on course/programme length
Doctoral courses and programmes that lead to a Degree of Doctor comprise an actual period of study of four years. This corresponds to 240 credits (2 years/120 credits for a Degree of Licentiate). During their actual period of study, doctoral students write their thesis and take doctoral courses. Tasks that are not part of the doctoral students' courses and programmes, but which are carried out in parallel with their studies, mean that the maximum permitted period of study becomes longer than four years (i.e. the course and programme calendar time is extended).
Courses and programmes are planned by the supervisor and doctoral student with the help of the individual study plan (ISP). The plan is adjusted to the conditions of the thesis project as well as the doctoral student's individual knowledge and skills. This is done in order for the doctoral student to be able to meet all the qualitative targets within the time frame of the doctoral studies. As the person responsible for doctoral courses and programmes, the head of department is tasked with ensuring that the ISP, together with a reasonable time plan, correctly describe the supervisor's and doctoral student's commitments, and that they can be fulfilled in regard to the department's prerequisites. If that is the case, the head of department approves the ISP.
SLU's doctoral students are financially supported during their time at the university. A majority are financially supported by becoming employed as doctoral students. The employment means a stable social and financial situation during their doctoral studies. Others have different types of employment at SLU, at partner organisations or are given scholarships. Being financially supported through an employment does not always involve an even pace of study. Taking a doctorate is individual. For some doctoral students, it goes quicker and for others it takes longer to reach their goal. Just as with other education levels, it is the result, not the work effort, that counts.
Once per semester, SLU must report the study activity of all admitted doctoral students and how they are financially supported (through employment, scholarships, etc.). This information is entered into the national student registry Ladok. The actual period of study is registered, and Ladok must therefore display how much of the time the doctoral student is entitled to has expired.
What is not included in the actual period of study?
According to the Higher Education Ordinance (HEO) Chapter 6, Section 29: "The period of study may only be extended if there are special grounds for doing so. Such grounds may comprise leave of absence because of illness, leave of absence for service in the defence forces or an elected position in a trade union or student organisation, or parental leave. Ordinance (2010:1064)." Based on this legislation, SLU has decided that time spent on the activities below are not included in the actual period of study:
- Assignments not related to doctoral education (e.g., administrative or
teaching duties). These assignments may take place at the department (socalled departmental duties) or with an external partner. Such duties must not exceed 20% of full-time employment (Higher Education Ordinance, Chapter 5, Section 2). Occasional short-term assignments may be included in the actual period of study, provided they do not exceed a total of five working days throughout the doctoral education.
- Doctoral council assignments (including participation in committees and councils).
- Union assignments relevant to the department or employment under which the doctoral education is conducted.
- Service within the total defense forces.
- Parental leave (must be reported in Primula, and part-time leave is converted into full working days).
- Care of a sick child (VAB) (must be reported in Primula, and part-time leave is converted into full working days).
- Sick leave (must be reported in Primula, and part-time leave is converted into full working days). A medical certificate is required from the eighth day of illness for sick pay to be issued.