Funding for doctoral courses

Last changed: 27 February 2020

A doctoral education at SLU contains both subject courses and basic courses for transferable skills (e.g. courses in ethics, philosophy of science and pedagogics). There are several ways to get funding for a doctoral course, depending on course content and subject. The majority of the doctoral courses at SLU are funded and managed by the research schools.




  1. Funding is primarily provided by SLU’s research schools. Find out about how to apply for funding, application deadlines etc. at their respective websites (please see links below), or by contacting their director of studies. Coming up soon is GS-VMAS research school with an application deadline at 15th of May 2020.


  1. If you plan to organise a course together with colleagues at Nordic universities which are members in the NOVA university network it is also possible to apply for funding from SLU NOVA. SLU NOVA will open for applications for SLU  NOVA courses to be organized during 2021 on the 16th of March 2020. Application deadline is the 15th of May 2020. Please see application instructions at: SLU NOVA


  1. Additional funding might be available at the faculty.




Research school

Link to application guidelines or contact info

Application deadline

Sustainable Biomass Systems

Director of studies

no deadline

Ecology and Society, ECOS

Director of studies and

no deadline

Ecology- basics and applications

Funding for course organizers

no deadline

Focus on food and biomaterials

Director of studies

no deadline

Forest Genetics and Breeding

Director of studies

no deadline

Applied Statistics and Scientific Computing

Director of studies

no deadline

Graduate School - Landscape Architecture, Horticulture and Crop Production Science

Course organizer GS-LTV

Oct-Nov each year

Organism Biology

Propose an Organism Biology activity

no deadline

Focus on Soils and Water

FoSW guidelines for activities and applications

no deadline

Society and Landscape Research School

Director of studies 

no deadline

Bioeconomy-adapted forest management, BECFOR

Director of studies

no deadline

Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences, GS-VMAS

GS-VMAS Course organiser's guide

15th of May 2020

Forest Industrial Research School on Technology, FIRST

Director of studies

no deadline

Centre for statistics

Director of studies

no deadline

Social Science Perspectives on Sustainable Development

Director of studies

no deadline



