Slunik is SLU's system for course information where all courses at undergraduate and postgraduate level have a course page. The information from Slunik is displayed together with information from Ladok on the course page on the student web and the external web.
The grading criteria have moved into Canvas.
Starting with the fall semester 2023, grading criteria will not be displayed on the course page. The grading criteria should instead be in Canvas. See the Education planning and administration handbook, section 7.1
Also read about Template pages in Canvas
If you have already entered grading criteria for the course session in Slunik. They are no longer editable, but you can copy the text, make changes, and then paste them into Canvas.
Contact if you want to remove existing text for grading criteria in Slunik.

Slunik Support
Servicedesk helps you with everything about Slunik.
You reach Servicedesk via extension 6600 or
The Division of Learning and Digitalisation
For questions and comments about our educational systems