SLU news

30 December 2019 - New schedule links due to change of booking system

Published: 30 December 2019

KronoX - schedule links on course pages on the student web (or in some other systems) must be replaced with the corresponding TimeEdit – schedule links.

At SLU, we are currently replacing our booking system for teaching premises and group rooms.

KronoX, the current booking system, will only be in use until 1 January 2020. As of 2 January 2020, we will instead be using TimeEdit.

If you, as a teacher or course administrator, have posted KronoX-schedule links on course pages on the student web (or in some other systems) please replace those with the corresponding TimeEdit – schedule links.

Please note that this only applies to the last part of the Autumn term 2019, i.e. the time period 2020-01-02 – 2020-01-19. Bookings for the spring semester 2020 were made in TimeEdit and the confirmation e-mail that was sent in the middle of December contains the TimeEdit-link. 

This file describes how you can search and view your schedule in TimeEdit. 
