NyA Authorisations

Last changed: 01 March 2023

Here you can read about authorizations for NyA.

NyA roles in Idis

There are three different Idis roles that provide different permissions in the NyA web:

  1. The NyA role base user – gives permission to log into the NyA web.
  2. The NyA role for output – gives authorization to search for information about individual students and to extract application and admission lists.
  3. NyA Role for Reserve Acceptance – Grants authority to accept reserves and delete eligibility conditions.

The first two roles have no organizational connection and give authority for the whole of SLU. The third organizational role is linked to specific institutions depending on which institution the user needs authorization for.

Note! If you belong to the Education registration role in Idis, you automatically belong to the NewA roles with the same organizational connection.

If you have the education registration role but need to be able to admit reserves and/or delete conditions also at another institution, it is fine to add the role for reserve admission with the new institution, in addition to the education registration role.

Who adds people to the roles?

The catalog manager in Idis adds personnel to the NewA role/Education registration role - and if necessary, connects the role to the organizational units the person must hold authorization for.

The directory manager can also update a person's already assigned role and connect organizational units afterwards.

Who approves the role assignment?

The respective head of department/head of department within the administration approves the role holding for their own organizational unit in Idis.

Note! Approval is only required for the Reserve Admission NewA role and the Training Registration role.

How do I know who belongs to a role or not?

On the employee website, it is possible to extract various reports from Idi's roles. Examples of reports:

  • What roles are available at a specific organizational unit?
    (select institution in the list and click the View Report button on the far right)
  • Who holds a specific role?
    (select role in the list and click the View Report button on the far right)

Who gives me access to the NyA web?

Everyone who belongs to the NyA roles or the Education registration role is automatically granted access to the NyA web.


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