Episode 11 - Critical thinking and scientific understanding in vocational programs - examples from the Veterinary Nursing programme

Episode 11
(In Swedish)
Critical thinking and scientific understanding are central themes in all higher education. According to the Higher Education Act, all students who get an undergraduate degree must, among other things, have developed an "ability to make independent and critical assessments" and an ability to "gather and interpret information at a scholarly level". But what importance does critical and scientific thinking have when our students enter the world of work? How can we work with these central themes in our vocational programs? And how do we ensure that students develop the skills and attitudes they need to have when they leave university?
In this episode, educational developer Jan Stockfors talks to Josefin Söder from the Department of Animal Care at the Department of Clinical Sciences about how to integrate critical and scientific thinking into a professional program. In Josefin's case, more specifically the Veterinary Nursing programme here at SLU.
, Educational Development Unit (EPU)