About course fees

Last changed: 21 May 2024

On this page, you will find frequently asked questions about course fees.

If you do not get an answer to your question or have other concerns, you are welcome to contact us by email: epu@slu.se.

How much do the courses cost?

  • For SLU employees, the course fee is 1700 SEK/course week.
  • For employees outside SLU, the fee is 4000 SEK/course week.
  • For our shorter courses, the fees is as follows: Grading and assessment course, 1200 SEK and the workshop Education for sustainable development; for course leaders, 1000 SEK.

From spring 2025, the following applies

  • For SLU employees, the course fee is 2000 SEK/course week.
  • For employees outside SLU, the fee is 4000 SEK/course week.
  • For our shorter courses, the fees is as follows: Grading and assessment course, 1500 SEK and the workshop Education for sustainable development; for course leaders, 1200 SEK.

Should I buy the course literature myself?

No, we buy the course literature for you and include the costs for books in the course fee invoice.

Can I get compensation for travel and accommodation if I attend a teaching course in another location?

No, not from the EPU, but you can contact your own department about any possibilities for compensation.