Travel grants for doctoral students

Last changed: 21 August 2024

Doctoral students at SLU have different kinds of travel grants available.

Travel grants from SLU 

Doctoral students at SLU have different opportunities available when it comes to applying for travel grants, see below. These can be used for shorter or longer forms of study visits, conference trips or doctoral courses.

Travel grants for internationalisation

In order to promote internationalisation of doctoral studies at SLU, funds are available to apply from for international activities.

From the following funds you can apply for grants for study visits, participation in international PhD courses/workshops and conferences.

Depending on the funding available, grants may also be given to applicants who already finished the doctoral degree. Applicants with a doctoral degree can only apply for the preparation of a postdoc stay. 

How to apply

The same web form is used for all funds and is open for applications during one month at the spring respectively autumn round. There are two application deadlines, 28 February and 15 October.

Below you can find a link to the application form and instructions for travel grants for PhD students. 

- Application form (will open approx. one month before deadline)

- Instructions to applicants.

- Instructions for travel report (for grantees).


Application deadline

Deadline for the Spring application 2025 is 28 February. The activity must take place after 30 April. 



Travel grants for SLU and NOVA courses

Doctoral students admitted to SLU can apply for travel grants when participating in SLU courses or NOVA courses. 

The application should be made before the course starts and contain a cost estimate. The applicant is expected to choose the cheapest alternative. A maximum of 90 Euro per night for at the most six nights can be approved for accommodation. Only actual costs up to the approved sum are reimbursed.

The applications are processed as they arrive - there is no deadline. If the application is approved, the applicant will get a written approval stating that the Council for PhD Education guarantees a grant up to a certain amount.

It is recommended that all costs are paid by the department until the course is over and the applicant has received a course certificate. To get the reimbursement, the department sends an internal invoice based on the actual costs together with a copy of the course certificate  to the Council for PhD education, (cost center 979).

APPLICATION FORM for travel grants for SLU and Nova courses

Send the application to the Council for PhD Education (FUR), either via e-mail ( or regular mail to the address below.

If you use e-mail, please convert the word-file to a pdf-file and ask your principal supervisor to sign the application using an electronic signature (EduID). Then submit the approved application via e-mail.

Attn. Lotta Jäderlund, Box 7070, 750 07 Uppsala


Lotta Jäderlund, Division of Strategy and Planning, SLU
Phone: 018-671000

Stipends from SLU

Doctoral students normally do not receive stipends from SLU, instead they have stipends from external donors.

Stipends from SLU are regulated by a decision by the Vice-Chancellor (currently only available in Swedish). These regulations are not valid for stipends from external donors.

Other types of grants and scholarships

There are different available options for Staff and teacher mobility at SLU. 

Information about External funding, calls and support for writing an application. 

Doctoral students also have the possibility to participate in international collaborations within education





For questions about travel grants for internationalisation, please contact:

If you have questions about travel grants for SLU and NOVA courses, please contact:

If your question concerns mobility or international collaboration within education, please contact