Although the doctoral education is an individual education, and the planning of the education is done individually, each doctoral student undergoes the same compulsory follow-up steps. A doctoral student follows his or her general study plan for the subject and, together with the supervisor, plans his or her education using the individual study plan (ISP). Every year there is an annual follow-up, in the middle of the course there is a midway follow-up and the doctoral students who write a monograph thesis also have a final seminar.
A doctoral student participates in both subject courses (to deepen their knowledge in the dissertation subject) and basic courses (to develop general skills such as leadership, writing or presentation techniques).
Both doctoral students and supervisors have rights and obligations, and it is important to know what these are as early as possible. This will make your journey towards a doctoral degree easier.
The requirements for supervision and the responsibilities of the supervisors are described in the SLU guidelines for doctoral education.
Sometimes problems arise that cannot always be solved by the department, and then a contact with the doctoral ombudsman can be helpful. SLU's guidelines for postgraduate education provide clear rules for what to do if something goes wrong.
Doctoral education at SLU is governed by SLU's guidelines for doctoral education, which are decided by the vice-chancellor. If you follow the link above, you will find rules, documents and forms used in doctoral education.