Degree Office
Phone: 018-67 28 00
Phone hours
Monday 10-11
Wednesday 10-11
Thursday 10-11
Postal address
Division of Educational Affairs SLU
Box 7010
750 07 UPPSALA
The doctoral student applies for a degree to the Division of Educational Affairs at SLU with the help of Ladok for students.
At SLU, third level qualifications are named after the preceding qualification at first or second level. For example, someone who is a veterinarian can become "Doctor of Veterinary Medicine" and someone who is a civil engineer can become "Doctor of Technology".
How do I know what degree to apply for?
Before sending in the application, the student must check that:
When you have been awarded your doctorate, you can choose to participate in the doctoral award ceremony at the university. The year recieve the doctorate you will be contacted by the ceremony stewards via your email addresse in Ladok, so it is important that this is valid. Should you choose to not attend the ceremony this year, you have to contact the ceremony stewards in order to attend the next time. You have 3 years from when you have been awarded the doctorate to participate.
Phone: 018-67 28 00
Phone hours
Monday 10-11
Wednesday 10-11
Thursday 10-11
Division of Educational Affairs SLU
Box 7010
750 07 UPPSALA