Developer on site

Last changed: 18 April 2023
Two people sitting opposite each other and talking, photo.

EPU offers you as a teacher "developer on site", which means that an educational developer from EPU will be on your campus so you can stop by for a chat about pedagogy.

How can we support you?

  • You may want to know more about how to record film for teaching, or how you can examine in a smarter way, write learning objectives or set up a new online course?
  • You may have a large group of students in your next course. How should you think then?
  • You may want to plan a teachers’ day but need some tips on what could be interesting?
  • Or maybe you just need to share some thoughts or ideas with a developer?

For strategic questions, we can talk for a while and should you need more time, we might have to book a longer time.

In the Department of Learning and Digitization, we collaborate closely with colleagues in the media and systems. If your thoughts are about Canvas, film production, Ladok etc, we connect you to our colleagues who know systems and media.