Copying agreement
Under the Bonus Presskopia copying agreement for teaching at higher education institutions, the following applies to teachers at SLU with regard to copying for their own teaching:
Supplementation rule
Teachers may only copy in order to supplement the compulsory published literature on the reading list which the students have to obtain for examination purposes or which will be studied during the course. In other words, in order for the teacher to be able to copy, the course must contain compulsory published literature on the reading list (SLU: common reading list).
What copying methods are allowed?
Teachers may photocopy books, newspapers, periodicals, etc., and take printouts from digital sources such as the Internet. Instead of producing OHP sheets, teachers can make digital copies that can be projected using presentation software such as PowerPoint.
How much can be copied and printed out?
Teachers may copy up to 15% of the number of pages, up to a maximum of 15 pages, from a book, newspaper, periodical, etc. If a specific section, such as a chapter, needs to be copied and this contains slightly more than 15% or 15 pages, the whole section may be copied. The teacher may take printouts from a digital source up to a maximum of 15 size A4 pages.
How many copies can be made?
Teachers may make as many copies as are required for each of his or her students to receive an individual copy, plus some for the teacher.
Source details
The teacher must ensure that the source and the name of the author and/or photographer as appropriate are shown on the copies.
Copying outside the agreement
If the teacher needs to copy more than is allowed under the agreement, the teacher can always ask the author and/or publisher for permission!
See the Bonus Presskopia website ( for more information.
The Centre for Educational Development can also answer your questions and provide support. They are best reached via