Upcoming activities

Last changed: 06 February 2023

Here you can find some of the upcoming activities within the VMF PhD-Student Council.

Annual meeting

The next annual meeting will be held in December 2023. An invitation is sent to all VH-faculty PhD students by email.

Council meetings

Council meetings are held once a month and they are open for all PhD students at the VH faculty. Check the time for next meeting at our Sharepoint. There you can also find the minutes of our previous meetings. Welcome to the meeting!

Lunch seminars

We organize lunch seminars once a month. These seminars are a great opportunity to learn about the research topics in various areas in our faculty. Sign up and get a free lunch sandwich, invitation is sent by email to all VH PhD students. Check our Sharepoint for the next meeting.

Other activities

PhD days and other fun activities are a good way to get to know your fellow students. These activities are meant for all the PhD students at our faculty and Postdocs are welcome too! Get yourself updated on the next activities from Sharepoint.


Please feel free to contact any of us if you have a suggestion about e.g. a social activity.