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The ISP portal

The digital ISP portal is used to create and manage the doctoral students' individual study plans (ISPs).

What is an ISP - and why should I care?

The most important document of the doctoral education is the individual study plan (ISP). Here we explain what it is and show you tips on how you as a doctoral student can use it.

Research schools at SLU

The research schools at SLU organizes courses and seminars.

Professional development and future career for doctoral students

For doctoral students, there are many different ways to develop their skills and many different career paths. It may be wise to discuss plans for future careers with the supervisor group, so that courses and education can be planned with the career plans in mind.

Need to talk to someone?

If you feel a need to talk to someone, a counsellor or psychologist, you can contact either the Occupational healthcare (företagshälsovården) or your local health centre (vårdcentral). You are also welcome to contact the University Chaplaincy (universitetskyrkan), they are open for everyone regardless of background and religious or spiritual beliefs. The Doctoral student ombudsman/counsellor at SLU is also available for advice and support. 

Published: 17 October 2024 - Page editor: lotta.jaderlund@slu.se