New to Canvas

Last changed: 15 February 2024

If you are new to canvas, you should start here

The most basic functions of Canvas.

Basic course on Canvas

In Canvas there is a basic course on Canvas. The basic course is developed by several universities in collaboration within the Network Salsa, Sunet's collaboration for LMS users.
Canvas Basic Course - Sunet Salsa

The Interface

Watch the video tutorial for teachers about the interface

Watch the video tutorial for students about the interface

Read the guides about the interface


We recommend that teachers organize the course content by modules. Modules make it easier for both teachers and students to follow the progress of a course and have an overview of what’s coming up next.

With modules you can organize the content of your course by for exemple weeks or topics. You can add all types of content, e.g. pages, files and quizzes in any order you like. Type a “text headers” and indentation to structure the content within a module. All items including text headers can be reorganized using the drag and drop dots to the left of every item.

For example a list of all assignments can be found under Assignments in the course menu, and these assignments can belong to one or more modules at the same time, to be presented to the student in an order you decide.

If you organize your modules in a linear way, you can create prerequisite activities that students must complete before they can gain access to the next module and continue in the course. For example the student must read a page, hand in a quiz etc. 

The Studentview

You can view a course the same way that your students view your course through Student View.

Enabling Student View creates a Test Student in your course. You can also activate Student View in your Course Settings.

To see the student's perspective on Canvas, use Student View to view the course, post and reply to discussions, submit assignments, view grades, view people, view pages, view the syllabus, view quizzes, view the calendar, and view the scheduler (if enabled). You can reset Test Student data at any time; however, Test Student activity that involves interactions with other students cannot be removed, such as discussion replies.  


Canvas sends notifications about occurring events.

When you login to Canvas for the first time you are asked how and when you would like to be notified of events in Canvas. You can also find these setting under the menu Account and Notifications. Canvas sends notifications about occurring events and you have 4 options of how to be notified. Right away, daily summary, weekly summary or not at all. These setting are personal and effects all your courses. If you are a user of the mobile application it has independent settings for push notifications.  


Canvas Support

Servicedesk helps you with:

  • Support.
  • Sandbox (a test room where you can try the tools).
  • Create users missing in Canvas and not in Idis.

You reach Servicedesk via extension 6600 or


The Division of Learning and Digitalisation

For questions and comments about our educational systems