About NyA

Last changed: 01 March 2023
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Here you can read about NyA and how the system works.

NyA is a national admissions system used by basically all universities and colleges in Sweden. NyA is used for admission to courses and programs at both basic and advanced level.

NyA is used for admission to courses and programs after applicants register at www.antagning.se  or www.universityadmissions.se 

The new expert client

In the NyA expert client, each university carries out eligibility checks, merit evaluation and admission.
In NyA you can also find information about why an applicant has been assessed as ineligible, as well as high school qualifications and qualifications from all Swedish universities and colleges. Valid results from the university entrance exam are noted, and for applicants from countries other than Sweden, the merits are often collected if the applicant has obtained a previous academic degree.

The NyA web

For department staff, the NyA web is an easier way to access statistics, see how many applicants have been deemed eligible, see the proportion of first-choice applicants in relation to the total number of applicants, etc. The content of the NyA web is the same as in the NyA expert client, the difference is that you only see the information that belongs to the institution at which you are employed. All reserved admissions are also made via the NyA web, both for programs and courses.

You get access to the NyA web either through your role (educational registration role GU and FU), or by actively reporting that you want access to the NyA web. You do this by asking the catalog manager at the institution to add you to the roles you want (the NyA role base user and the NyA role for output, and if you are going to manage reserve admissions for your institution, the NyA role for reserve admissions). Your head of department will inform you about the application, and if he approves, the case will go on to admissions for approval.

In addition to approval for the respective role, you are required to have a controlled trust level linked to your AD account, IT support can help you with this.

NyA Support

For questions about NyA contact



The Division of Learning and Digitalisation

For questions and comments about our educational systems