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Learning and Digitalisation

The Division of Learning and Digitalisation is responsible for the pedagogical development within the university and the digital support within the education.

Nominate to the Educational award

Which teacher or teaching team should receive the award this year? Submit your proposal by May 19.

Teaching online

Tips on how to change your teaching from the traditional classroom to online teaching.

Teaching online

EDU Talks


AI in higher education

AI is developing rapidly and is affecting us in higher education to an ever-increasing degree. AI support will be part of everyone's everyday life and there are many opportunities but also challenges and risks.

We enable change

The Division of Learning and Digitalisation is a strategic expert position in higher education, IT-pedagogy, media and education systems. The department is also responsible for SLU's higher education pedagogical courses and digital education systems.

We support SLU's teaching staff and others who are active in education through consultation, project management, courses and seminars.

We also run collaborative projects with other universities and networks both nationally and internationally.

We at Learning and digitalisation

What can we help you with?

We at LD
Published: 09 April 2024 - Page editor: ld-webb@slu.se