Foundations and funds A-Ö

Last changed: 18 June 2024
A selection of foundation logos. Graphic.

Here, you can find a selection of mostly private foundations (stiftelser) and other funds that support research, scholarships, fellowships, PhDs, travel, conferences and more. We have included Swedish and international organisations with opportunities for applicants in Sweden.

Many of these foundations and funds only provide information in Swedish – however, you can often use the auto-translate feature in the Google Chrome browser to easily translate their web pages to English.

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Anna och Nils Håkansson stiftelse
Supports scientific teaching and research to promote Swedish forestry.

Berth von Kantzows stiftelse
Supports medical, technical and economic research.

Bo Rydin Foundation for Scientific Research
Supports research via project and travel grants within the key business areas of Essity (global health and hygiene) and SCA (forest, wood products, pulp, paper, packaging, and renewable energy).

Supports forestry research projects.

Cancerfonden (The Swedish Cancer Society)
Supports basic and clinical research on cancer through travel grants, research projects, fellowships and more.

Carl-Göran Adelswärds stiftelse
Supports research, publication, and symposiums in the area of historical forest use.

Carl Trygger's Foundation for Scientific Research
Supports research in physics, chemistry, technology, biology, ecology, forestry and agriculture via scholarships, project grants, and operations/equipment grants.

C.M. Lerici Foundation
Supports cultural and scientific exchange between Sweden and Italy through scholarships for studies and research projects.

Crafoord Foundation
Supports research projects in any scientific field at SLU Alnarp.

Dr P Håkanssons stiftelse
Supports scientific research in the fields of medicinal chemistry, physiology and food chemistry via scholarships and grants.

Supports primarily applied scientific research in organic agriculture and complementary and biological medicine.

Erik Philip-Sörensens stiftelse
Supports future-oriented scientific research in genetics and humanistics.

Erik Stenströms stiftelse
Supports the promotion of oak forestry.


Foundation Blanceflor
Supports international exchanges for Swedish or Italian citizens within scientific research or education through individual scholarships.

Fulbright Commission
Supports educational exchange between Sweden and the US for Swedish and American citizens through grants and scholarships.

Föreningen Skogsträdsförädling (Forest Tree Processing Association)
Supports scientific and practical forest tree breeding and adaptations in forest management through research grants.

Gen Foundation
Supports students and researchers in natural sciences, particularly food sciences/technology.

Hasselblad Foundation: Hasselblad Science
Supports natural sciences through research funding, donations and stipends.

Helge Ax:son Johnsons stiftelse
Supports scientific research.

Supports the education of forward-looking women.

Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Supports the advancement of science through fellowships for researchers at all career levels to visit and work in Japan.

Johan & Jakob Söderbergs stiftelse
Supports teaching, education and scientific research, mainly in natural sciences, medicine, economics, law, and culture.

Kamprad Family Foundation
Supports education and scientific research to promote entrepreneurship, the environment, competence, health and social improvement.

Supports education, research projects and research equipment in Northern Sweden (Norrbotten, Västerbotten, Västernorrland).

Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation (KAW)
Supports research projects of high scientific potential, infrastructure of national importance and individual excellent scientists – mainly within natural sciences, technology and medicine.


Letterstedtska föreningen
Supports the organisation of Nordic conferences and seminars, guest visits by researchers, excursions for groups of people, printing, translation or publication of writings.

Magnus Bergvalls stiftelse
Supports Swedish scientists and Swedish scientific departments.

Marcus and Amalia Wallenberg Foundation (MAW)
Supports scientific research within the humanities and learning.

Marcus Wallenberg Foundation for International Scientific Collaboration (MWS)
Supports the organisation of international scientific conferences, symposia, workshops and postgraduate summer schools.

Marianne and Marcus Wallenberg Foundation (MMW)
Supports research in the social sciences.

Norra Skogs Forskningsstiftelse
Supports forest science and forest industry research and development in northern Sweden.

O.E. och Edla Johanssons vetenskapliga stiftelse
Supports researchers with scholarships for research mainly in science, engineering and medicine.

Olle Engqvist stiftelse
Supports scientific research within medicine, natural sciences, technology and the humanities.

Petra and Karl Erik Hedborg Foundation
Supports and develops ties between Sweden and Belgium through grants for academic studies, research exchanges, printing and translation of scientific works, or exhibitions and lectures.

Riksbankens Jubileumsfond
Supports research within the humanities and social sciences.

Royal Physiographic Society of Lund
Supports research within natural science, medicine and technology through research grants and travel grants.

Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry (KSLA)
Supports science and practical experience in agriculture and forestry through grants and scholarships.

Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences (KVA)
Supports the sciences and strengthens their influence in society through grants and scholarships.


Scandinavia-Japan Sasakawa Foundation
Supports international exchange between Japan and Scandinavia for research, development, education and training, mainly within natural sciences, technology, medicine, social sciences and humanities.

Scandinavian Plant Physiology Society (SPPS)
Supports contact between plant physiologists (e.g. arranging meetings), publishing in journals, and the popularisation of science and promotion of plant science teaching.

Science & SciLifeLab
Supports excellent research by awarding prizes to reward young scientists at an early stage of their careers.

Skogsällskapet (Swedish Forest Society Foundation)
Supports research, knowledge development, communication and knowledge dissemination about forest management and conservation.

Stiftelsen Barn och Miljö (Children and the Environment Foundation)
Supports scientific teaching and research in the environmental field, and the spread of knowledge and understanding of environmental issues, especially among children and youth.

Stiftelsen Lars Hiertas Minne
Supports individual researchers with projects in all disciplines.

Stiftelsen Längmanska kulturfonden
Supports natural sciences, humanities, art and literature, and public education.

Stiftelsen Nils och Dorthi Troëdssons forskningsfond
Supports the development of the Swedish forest industry through research and teaching grants.

Stiftelsen Oscar och Lili Lamms Minne
Supports scientific research on nature conservation, especially soil, water and landscape conservation, and plant health.

Svensk-Franska Stifelsen
Supports academic exchange between Sweden and France by awarding scholarships to Swedish students and researchers.

Sweden-America Foundation
Supports scientific, cultural, and practical exchange between Sweden, the USA and Canada through scholarships for research and higher studies in the USA and Canada.

Swedish Farmers’ Foundation for Agricultural Research (SLF)
Supports the sustainable development of Swedish agriculture by funding research in two focus areas: climate and environment, and food.

Swedish Fund for Research without Animal Experiments
Supports scientific research to replace and reduce animal testing.

Sweden-Japan Foundation
Supports technology, natural sciences, economics, law, medicine and commerce through scholarships for studies, research and internships at universities in Japan.

Södra forskningsstiftelse
Supports research, development, and education that is important for forestry and forest industry operations in southern Sweden.


Wenner-Gren Foundations
Supports international scientific exchange through fellowships and travel grants.

ÅForsk Foundation
Supports innovative research within infrastructure, sustainability, materials, renewable products, energy, processes, security, and environment through research grants, travel grants and entrepreneurship scholarships.