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Calls for external grants

Here you can find grants available from various external funding bodies. 

There are 71 pages tagged with Calls for external grants:

Call to attend conferences related to breeding

The SLU Breeding Network announces a special call to support SLU researchers, technicians and students in attending conferences related to animal or plant breeding in 2024/ the first half of 2025.

Call for Small Project Proposals

In the Fourth Round of Calls in 2024, the Programme is inviting Small Project Proposals with a duration of up to 18 months to be submitted in October 2024. The maximum budget allocated for a small

Prevention, detection, response and mitigation of chemical, biological and radiological threats to agricultural production, feed and food processing, distribution and consumption

Proposals involving earth observation are encouraged to primarily make use of Copernicus data, services and technologies. Proposals are encouraged also to coordinate with ESA relevant activities,

Call for proposals for Nordic Research Networks in Preparedness and Resilience

NordForsk launches a call for research networks that can provide a broad knowledgebase for strengthening Nordic preparedness and resilience to future crises. Utlysningen

Finansiering av internationella konferenser, vetenskapliga symposier och sommarskolor

Styrelsen för Carl Tryggers Stiftelse mottar konferensansökningar två gånger per år, med deadline i april och september. Stiftelsen har möjlighet att ge ekonomiskt stöd till arrangörer av konferenser

Master-, PhD- and research stipends Ppostdoc)

The Sweden-America Foundation awards scholarships for master's and doctoral studies as well as postdoctoral research in the USA and Canada. Scholarships can be applied for annually for a study/

Strategic mobility 2024

The Foundation for Strategic Research, SSF, finances the salary costs for people who, for a period, want to move between industry/business/authority/hospital and academia/research institute. Call info

Grants for multi-discipline symposia, seminars and summer schools at postgraduate level

Grants are made for symposia of high scientific quality that have an international orientation and are attended by international participants. Symposia shall not be recurrent. They are to be held in

Call for proposals: Nordic research consortia for EU calls on antimicrobial resistance (AMR)

NordForsk announces funding for preparatory projects with the purpose of forming multisectoral and transdisciplinary Nordic research consortia to participate in successful proposals for EU calls on

Vetenskaplig undervisning, forskning och försöksverksamhet för att främja landets skogsbruk

Stiftelsen skall stödja vetenskaplig undervisning, forskning och försöksverksamhet för att främja landets skogsbruk – i första hand i Norrlands inland – särskilt sådant som kan leda till ökad

Stöd till forskning om äganderätten och de gröna näringarna

Syftet med utlysningen är att öka kunskapen om äganderättens* status i frågor av betydelse för de areella näringarna samt äganderättens koppling till en hållbar utveckling ur ekonomiskt, miljömässigt

Stipendier, projekt och publicering inom skogsbruk, jordbruk, hortikultur, trädgårdsodling inklusive fritidsodling samt vattenbruk

Stipendier och resestipendier – max 40 000 kr per projekt. Medel till synteser, analyser, projekt, avgränsade innovativa studier – max 300 000 kr per projekt. Medel till bokprojekt och populär
