SLU facts

Last changed: 15 November 2023
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Here are some general facts of SLU that are useful when working on applications to different funding bodies.


Official name: Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet

Postal (official) address: Box 7070, 750 07 Uppsala, Sweden

Visiting address: Almas allé 8

Date of formation: 1977-07-01

Organisational number: 2021002817

VAT-number: SE202100281701

SNI (NACE) codes: 72.190, 85.420, 75.000, 84.139 (there are more)

Horizon Europe PIC: 999887350

DUNS (American funders): 350582110

NCAGE (American funders): AQ33N

SAM Unique Entity ID (American funders): VNSMPAMBJLA9

NIH ID: 000797504

ESA Entity Code: 1000019133

ESA BU (business) Code: 8000007187

EuropeAid ID: SE-2007-CCB-1812650101

Exchange rate SEK/EUR: When doing a budget for an EU proposal where funds are paid in Euros we recommend that you use 0.5 SEK/EUR lower rate than the current rate. For example use 10:20 if today's rate is 10:70 SEK/Euro.