Environmental monitoring and assessment
SLU has a unique role among Swedish universities through its commission to perform environmental monitoring and assessment. This is based on society's needs, as expressed in national environmental targets, international commitments and the overall objective of long-term sustainable development.

40 års miljöövervakning avslöjar oroande trend i Bottenhavets näringsväv
The Bothnian Sea is under increasing pressure from human activities. Increases in fishing and phosphorus have led to a decline in the health of the open sea food web – which represents a complex

SLU testar trålkamera – för att minska fiskfångsten
By installing a stereo video camera in the trawl, researchers at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences want to reduce the need for trawling in acoustic fish surveys. The technology is now

Proposal writing advice: general tips for good proposals
Writing a winning proposal to secure funding for your research takes time, effort and consideration. However, you can learn and develop this skill throughout your career, and the SLU Grants Office
Support and training
Here you can find out how to get help to apply for external funding and manage your granted projects

Brendan McKie – new Professor of Freshwater Ecology
How much impact from human activities can a freshwater ecosystem absorb before species disappear and key ecosystem services are threatened? And how does biodiversity loss interact with other

External funding makes up a large portion of the total funding at SLU, and therefore there are many staff here who work with it to some extent - researchers, department administrators and financial
Proposal writing advice
Tips and advice from the Grants Office on how to write a good and competitive proposal.

Hur mår laxen i Östersjön?
The wild salmon in rivers in Gulf of Bothnia has been somewhat of a success story. Since the crisis in the 1990s, when the river-stocks were close to collapse, the salmon has recovered and shown

Seasonal Variations in Pollution in Swedish Watercourses
A new study conducted by the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), commissioned by the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management (HaV), has examined 34 Swedish watercourses to map
ELLS Navigating Brussels 2025
How can the EU help you develop your scientific career? The SLU Grants Office is working with other Research Support Offices across Europe as part of the Euroleague of Life Sciences (ELLS) to deliver

SLU's official forest statistics are now even easier to find – available on Sweden’s and the EU’s data portals!
SLU's official statistics on the state and changes of forests produced by the Swedish National Forest Inventory have long been accessible as open data in machine-readable formats in PxWeb. Now, we’ve
External funding
Here you can find calls for funding, information about SLU's most common funders, tools, guidelines and advice to help you find, apply for and manage external funding. At the bottom of each page you