Project calculator

Last changed: 21 January 2025

SLU´s project calculator is to be used for all grant (bidrag) applications, all tenders/quotations for assignments (uppdrag) and all contract proposals for external funding (grants and assignments). You calculate the full cost and possible need for co-funding. In the application phase, the calculation provides the basis for filling in the funder's budget form.


The calculator has reports for the whole project, per department/partner and per work package (WP). The template has room for 20 WP:s. In addition to all SLU's departments, there is room for 30 external partners.

There are also reports adapted to the budget forms at Prisma, Wallenberg and the EU framework program (EUFP).

The project leader must, with support of a department financial administrator, use the calculator at two stages of the external funding process according to the external funding guidelines:

  1. As soon as possible prior to the final date for application/tender/quotation.
  2. AND, if application/tender/quotation is accepted, as soon as possible prior to the contract proposal being signed.

 Depending on funding body the project budget has different purposes:

  • To calculate full cost to be included in application/tender/quotation or contract - This is valid for all Swedish government authorities with grant research funding, and for all assignment funding.
  • To calculate full cost AND cost to be included in application or contract, where the difference is the co-funding need - This is valid for all other grant funding bodies who are not adapting their funding to applicant specific full cost, but has other rules for how much of the grant that is allowed to be used for OH (indirect & facility charge).