Guidelines for external funding and co-funding

SLU has several guidelines for external funding applications and for co-funding external research projects. These guidelines are in place to prevent financial and legal problems in externally funded projects.
Guidelines for external funding
These guidelines apply to proposals for grants and tenders as well as the contracts and agreements that result from proposals and tenders. The head of department or unit is responsible for creating and maintaining procedures for applying the guidelines at their department or unit.
Guidelines for external funding
Central and three-part co-funding
Many of SLU's grant contracts with external funders do not cover all costs. Normally, the department is responsible for co-funding contracts. Departments may be prevented from concluding a contract if there is a significant need for co-funding is great. In order to better enable SLU's departments to participate in such contracts, university-wide guidelines for co-funding have been established.
Guidelines for central co-funding and three-part co-funding
The Swedish Research Council's (VR) national infrastructures
The Swedish Research Council's (VR) national infrastructures decisions on co-funding in place that are unique to SLU. The SLU guidelines for managing research infrastructures outline what applies to VR infrastructure. The guidelines are accessed via a link from the Research infrastructure on the staff web.
Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation projects with high scientific potential
There are internal guidelines for the prioritisation process for KAW projects at SLU. KAW projects are prioritised and are centrally co-funded. Read more about KAW here.
Wallenberg Academy Fellows (WAF)
Wallenberg Academy Fellows (WAF) have their own SLU decisions on co-funding. The co-funding principle for WAF is stated on the Staff web's page on Wallenberg.