Contact, +46 18 67 1002
SLU´s external funding from 2010 is presented in excel sheets (button below). The sheets are separated on grants (bidrag) and assignments (uppdrag). Financiers with larger amounts to SLU have their own rows in the tables, others are merged into financier groups.
In the excel document there are also sheets about share of external funding, about external funding per person in different staff groups and about unspent grants. In addition, the document has a sheet with SLU´s share of the total grants from Formas and the Swedish Research Council (VR).
The major part of SLU´s external funding is grants. Grants are normally won in competition with other applicants in calls. Assignments are ca 20 per cent of SLU´s total external funding. These are normally more specific and controlled by the contract assigner., +46 18 67 1002