Research education at the VH Faculty

Last changed: 27 February 2025

Below is a list of documents and documentation for research education matters at VH. Further down the page there is more detailed information. Contact the departmental director of studies for doctoral education for support and advice for various applications.

University guidelines for doctoral education (pdf)

Timeline Planner PhD Defence (calculation tool)

Documents for Fun-VH:

1. Application for admission to doctoral education
a) VH-faculty checklist
b) Form
c) Spreadsheet template
d) Change from lic to PhD (same as b)

2. Application for defence of a doctoral thesis/licentiate seminar
a) VH-faculty checklist
b) Form
c) Declaration-conflicts of interest

3. Application for crediting of course
a) Form: Approval of course- PhD student course
b) Form: Crediting of course on doctoral education level

4. Application change in supervisor group
a) Form

5. Application of course syllabus
a) Course syllabus template

6. Additional information
a) Resignation of doctoral education
b) Half time seminar instructions 

Documents are sent to the secretary of Fun by e-mail

Link to Division of Educational Affairs for information on applying for a certificate of competency.

Link to the ISP-portal (is used to create and manage the doctoral students individual study plans (ISP)).

Link to Regulations and forms for doctoral education


The doctoral education committee at the VH faculty (Fun-VH) handles matters related to research education and have regular meetings approximately once a month during the semesters. For more information on meeting dates please see VH's meetings overview. Application for approval of course syllabus is sent to Fun no later than two weeks before Fun-VH's meetings. For other cases, at least two weeks are needed for preparation and decision.

Applications should be sent electronically by e-mail to (any original documents can be sent to Fun's postal address; Fun/VH, Box 7084, 750 07 Uppsala).

Recruitment and admission

Recruitment and admission of doctoral students are conducted according to SLU's admission scheme for postgraduate education: Read more about the admission process

It is important during this process to avoid so-called shadow doctoral students: Information about shadow doctoral students

The vast majority of the open positions are advertised on SLU's website.

After advertising, the Department will prioritize among the applicants and send a recommendation for admission of the most suitable candidate to the Faculty:

In connection with the application for admission to doctoral education, the following template signed by the head of department and administrative head is required. [Template]

The Research Education Board (Fun-VH) makes decisions on admission after examination of the application and the financial conditions.

Research education subjects

At the faculty, there are a number of research education subjects. Each doctoral student is admitted to a specific subject and follows the general study plan for this subject.

Doctoral students admitted BEFORE July 1 2015 Doctoral students admitted AFTER July 1 2015
Clinical Science Animal Science
Animal Science Bioinformatics
Pathobiology Biology
Medical Bioscience Biomedical Science
Bioinformatics Technology
  Veterinary Medicine
  Veterinary Nursing Science

Halftime follow-up

University-wide information on planning and follow-up of research education can be found here: 

At the VH-faculty, the Department's Director of research studies (studierektor för forskarutbildning) functions as the faculty board representative when signing the halftime follow-up form. If necessary, the Head of Department can appoint a replacement for the Director.

Thesis and defense

General information about dissertation and licentiate seminar at SLU is available here: Thesis and the public defence

Date of dissertation and application procedure

To book a date for dissertation, please contact the secretary of Fun-VH (

Please note that you need to book the lecture room separately: SLU's booking services

For dissertation and a licentiate seminar applications, please use the designated form:

Research school and courses


The Graduate School for Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences (GS-VMAS) is the research school for all those who are admitted to research education at the VH-faculty. 

Registering courses taken during doctoral studies


During the doctoral program, all completed courses must be registered in Ladok with the number of course credits. This is best done continuously during the program, as soon as possible after each course. A Ladok extract with information about registered courses must then be attached to the application to Fun for a public defence or licentiate seminar. It is therefore important that the doctoral student saves course certificates and course syllabi or equivalent throughout the program, as well as copies of decisions on prior approvals or credits as described below. Some courses are compulsory, which is regulated by the current guidelines for doctoral education or by the general syllabus for each subject.

Doctoral courses at SLU or within the NOVA network are registered in Ladok by an authorised administrator. A course certificate or equivalent showing the number of credits is needed as a basis. For other courses, the application is sent to Fun which, after review, decides whether the course can be approved for a degree and which course credits it gives. The main rule is that 1 week of full-time studies at FOU level corresponds to 1.5 HEC, i.e. 1 HEC corresponds to 27 hours of study time. The fact that a course is registered in Ladok is no guarantee that Fun approves the course and the number of course credits.

Doctoral courses at the university

Doctoral courses at SLU with approved course syllabuses do not need to be reviewed by Fun. The same applies to doctoral courses within NOVA (Nordic Forestry, Veterinary and Agricultural University Network) which must be assigned credits in a way acceptable to all universities within the NOVA cooperation, including SLU.

For courses at other universities or higher education institutions (HEIs)(outside SLU and NOVA), the application for credit transfer or approval must include a course certificate and a syllabus or equivalent documentation describing the entry requirements, scope, learning objectives, purpose, content, pedagogical form, timetable and what is required to pass the course. It is important that the temporal scope of the course is stated. Fun assesses whether the proposed course credits correspond to the scope of the course and, if necessary, requests additional information. Normally, third-cycle courses at established universities give course credits according to the specified syllabus.

Other courses

Courses that are not organized by a university or college (but by a company or organization, for example) must be approved by Fun in order to be included in the degree.


An application for approval of a course in a degree is made to Fun on a pre-approval form to Fun with an attached course certificate and syllabus, at the latest together with the application for a public defence or licentiate seminar, but preferably earlier in the program.

A copy of previous decisions on pre-approval must always be attached to the application for a public defence or licentiate seminar.

Credit transfer

If a doctoral student has taken a doctoral course before being admitted to doctoral studies, the credits can be transferred. To do this, you must submit an application to Fun. The requirement for a course syllabus or equivalent is the same for credit transfer as for actual doctoral studies. See the information above. Submit your application to Fun using the special form (not the same as the form for pre-approval), at the latest when you apply for public defence of your doctoral thesis or licentiate seminar, but preferably earlier.

In some cases, university courses at lower levels of education (Master's or Bachelor's level) can also be credited in the doctoral program after application to Fun, provided that they are not included in any previous degree. The application states the number of credits that the course is considered to correspond to at third-cycle level and a justification of the credits (normally 50% of the course credits are given for basic courses). With reference to the level of education, a reduction in the number of course credits that can be credited may be justified.

A copy of a previous decision on credit transfer must always be attached to the application for a public defence or licentiate seminar.

Seminar series

Participation in scientific seminar series is mandatory for doctoral students who follow the VH Faculty’s guidelines (from 2011 or earlier) and can give a maximum of 4 HECs. Participation must be documented by a special certificate from the main supervisor or the department's director of studies. Doctoral students who follow the SLU guidelines (from 2013 or later) do not receive points for seminar series. However, it is desirable that the doctoral student participates in seminars even if it is not creditworthy.

Prolongation of study time

Different types of assignments may justify extending the doctoral student period. Link to the application form for extension (prolongation) at the VH Faculty.
Prolongation can also take place at central SLU level (depending on the assignment in question). An application form for extension of study time at central SLU level. For more information about this, contact Lotta Jäderlund.

Responsible persons

The Doctoral Education Committee at the VH-Faculty

Chair: Professor Henrik Rönnberg, (Vice Dean for research education) Tel: 018-67 13 63.

Faculty director of research studies: Carl-Gustaf Thulin, Tel: 070-564 53 58.

Faculty officer: Anette Wichman (, Box 7084, 750 07 Uppsala. Tel: 018-67 23 16. 

Ordinary members & substitutes 
Right to attend and express views

Contact persons at the departments

The research school GS-VMAS

Steering board

Who decides what?

Decisions concerning postgraduate education at the VH faculty see the VH Faculty delegation of authority (swedish version)

In short: Fun-VH decides on approval of course syllabus. In other cases, the vice dean for doctoral education decides.


The doctoral education committee at the VH faculty (FUN-VH)