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Welcome to this year's education conference with the theme "Future education with AI".

Developments in society affect the way we teach. During the past year, conversations about various forms of artificial intelligence (AI) in education have been heard around our campuses. The conversations have probably been marked by both concern and curiosity. At this educational conference, we will have time to touch on how AI can contribute to but also challenge higher education now and in the future.

Alongside our keynotes there are plenty of opportunities for experience sharing and discussion. Several parallel thematic tracks (in Swedish and English) with different group exercises and presentations give you the opportunity to immerse yourself in something that seems interesting.


21-22 August 2024, lunch-to-lunch.


The conference is held on site at the Ultuna campus in Uppsala


Future education with AI

Target group

All teaching staff and other staff who work with or are interested in educational issues at first and second level as well as student representatives. The conference is free of charge for those who work at SLU.

Application deadline

August 1.

The image above is created by AI in Photoshop by describing with text what the image would represent.

AI in higher education

AI is developing rapidly and is affecting us in higher education to an ever-increasing degree. AI support will be part of everyone's everyday life and there are many opportunities but also challenges and risks.

Educational Development Unit (EPU)
The Division of Learning and Digitalisation


Educational and digital support

Published: 05 June 2024 - Page editor: ld-webb@slu.se