SLU's company information

Last changed: 17 March 2025

On this page you will find SLU's company information, e.g. SLU's address, registration number, VAT-number, PIC (Participant Identification Code), Certificate for Co. Tax (F-skatt), bank account details and SNI number. You will also find information needed to send an invoice to SLU.


Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet
SLU Registrator
Box 7070
750 07 Uppsala

Main visiting address in Uppsala:

Ulls hus, Almas allé 8, Uppsala

Visiting addresses to SLU's other campuses and locations. 

Invoice information

As of April 2019, suppliers must send e-invoices when invoicing SLU for purchases. Read more about the legal act on the page Mandatory e-invoices in the public sector.

Sending invoices to SLU

As of 1 April 2019, electronic invoicing (e-invoices) must be used for all purchases in the public sector. 

Invoices in PDF format or scanned paper invoices are not considered e-invoices.

Send e-invoices to SLU

SLU should primarily be invoiced using e-invoices in the PEPPOL format. We accept invoices in the PEPPOL BIS Billing 3 format.

SLU's Peppol ID is 0007: 2021002817.

Invoicing using the supplier portal

Suppliers who do not have an e-invoicing solution or are otherwise unable to send e-invoices can use the Proceedo Supplier Center free of charge. There, invoices can be entered manually and then forwarded to us as e-invoices.

Contact to start using the portal.

Invoice address

Even if the invoice is sent electronically, the following address must always be stated on the invoice:

SLU Fakturamottagning
Box 7090
750 07 Uppsala

It is important that only the invoice address appears in the address field. The invoice reference should be entered in a separate field (see below).

Invoice references

  • If an order number exists (i.e., if the order has been processed in SLU’s ordering and invoicing system Proceedo), it should be entered in the designated order number field on the invoice. If the field is missing, the order number should instead be placed in the field for the customer’s (SLU’s) reference.

  • The buyer’s reference must be entered in the designated field for the customer’s (SLU’s) reference. SLU’s reference codes consist of three digits and three letters, e.g., 123ABC. If the field is already occupied by SLU’s order number (see above), the buyer’s reference should be entered in another reference field on the invoice.

  • Only the codes should be entered in the reference/order number fields on the invoice and no additional text. For example, it should only state “123ABC” and not “Ref: 123ABC”.

Invoices in formats other than e-invoice

On April 1, 2019, a law came into effect requiring all purchases in the public sector to be invoiced using electronic invoices. This means that, from this date, suppliers must invoice SLU’s purchases with e-invoices.

Invoicing for purposes other than purchases is not covered by the law, meaning these invoices can still be sent as paper or PDF invoices. However, SLU prefers to receive e-invoices regardless of the reason for the invoice.

Paper invoices should be sent to the invoice address provided above and PDF invoices should be sent via email to

The law is not retroactive, meaning that suppliers who signed a contract with SLU before April 1, 2019, may continue to send paper or PDF invoices for purchases under that contract. However, other purchases must be invoiced electronically.

Registration number


VAT-number (value added tax):




Participant Identification Code (PIC):


If you have questions, please contact  

Certificate for Co. Tax (F-skatt):

 View Tax Certificate

Bank account details:

Head bank account no (BG) for payments within Sweden: 5050-7920

Corresponding bank details for international payments:
IBAN: SE92 1200 0000 0128 1011 9104


Can be found in: Tax Certificate