Independent project at the NJ faculty
Below you can find regulations, different forms and information about available projects at the departments.
For some main subject areas, the Independent project courses are given by several cooperating departments, and the courses may be connected to several educational programs. The courses have identical syllabi and some parts are studied jointly. This applies to independent projects in the following main subject areas: biology, environmental science, soil science, food science, agricultural science, chemistry and technology (except projects within the civil engineering programs).
Independent courses given by several departments are organised with one responsible department and several cooperating departments. The parts of the course studied jointly are organised by one department. The division of responsibilities (090622) was determined by the educational board 2008-12-11.
Documents and guides
Guide and forms
Pdf forms must be downloaded and opened in Acrobat for the digital signing!
- Guide for students, supervisors and examiners (pdf) From spring 2022.
- Registration form (Word format or pdf format). To be completed preferably 2 week before the start of the course! The department where the examiner is affiliated makes the registration. If applicable, the director of studies/administrator sends a copy of the form to the department responsible for the course.
- Work plan (Word format or pdf format). To be filled jointly by student and supervisor during the first week of the course. Supervisor and examiner should approve the plan.
- Form for supervisor and examiner to report result to the LADOK administrator. (Word format or pdf format)
- Consent form for the processing of personal data in research projects
- For exceptional cases when no course occasion is available at, application to the Independent project course should be made on a paper form found here (docx).
General information
- Grading criteria for courses starting from autumn 2018, bachelor level, magister level and master level.
- Webb courses in scientific writing and information search.
- General information about independent project at master level.
- Tips and tricks for using statistical software.
- Instructions on layout etc. for the thesis.
Information mainly for supervisors and examiners
- All thesis should be checke for plagiarism using Urkund.
- All thesis should be uploaded to the SLU archive Epsilon.
- Upon request, the publication in Epslilon may be postponed. More information is available in the Swedish guidelines for independent projects.
Older documents
- Grading criteria for courses between autumn 2014 and spring 2018 - Bachelor's level, G2E , Magister's level , Master's level.
- Grading criteria for courses before autumn 2014 - master´s level.
- Guide for students who started before autumn semester 2018.
- Form for supervisor and examiner to report result to the LADOK administrator (for courses that started before autumn semester 2018).
Available projects
Here are links to the different departments' pages with proposed projects. If you have your own idea, you can contact previous teachers in the subject area or consult the department Director of studies at a suitable department for guidance to find a possible supervisor.
For questions about specific courses and projects, please contact the director of studies at the department responsible for the course/project.