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For teachers and directors of study

Directors of studies and teachers need relevant information to carry out their mission. Here is a list of web pages of various kinds, including news and events, considered to be of interest to a teacher/director fo studies.

There are 63 pages tagged with For teachers and directors of studies:

Seminar about "Preparing students for the AI era: integrating fundamental AI tools and skills into academic education curricula."

(In English) The ICA-Edu Executive Committee have planned a series of events for 2024 focusing on developing AI competence in higher life science education. Two Webinars will lead up to a final one

SLU Education Conference 2024

Welcome to the 2024 SLU Education Conference with the theme “The Future of Education with AI” The registration for this year’s Education Conference is now open. We hope that during the two half-day

Lunch Seminar - Vad vi vet om arbetsmiljön på svenska universitet och högskolor (In Swedish)

ld-webb@slu.se Resultatet av en kunskapssammanställning som genomförts på uppdrag av Myndigheten för arbetsmiljökunskap kommer att presenteras. Denna kunskapssammanställning har syftat till att

Lunch Seminar - Anonymiserad examination? (In Swedish)

ld-webb@slu.se För- och nackdelar med anonymisering av examinationer har diskuterats i decennier. Forskningen har emellertid inte kunnat finna tydliga belägg för att anonymisering har positiva

Supervision Lunch Seminar - How do we want our PhD students to learn data management?

ld-webb@slu.se Research data management (RDM) is a skill that has become increasingly more important. Some of the RDM activities call for legal or technical know-how, while others, more

Supervision Lunch Seminar - Phd Supervision from a Holistic and Hands-On Perspective

ld-webb@slu.se How do our own experiences of being supervised shape and inform the way we perform as supervisors? What can we learn about the complexities of supervision when we expand our

Global Talk: Focusing on AgriFoSe and how to translate science into policy and practice

Global Talk: Focusing on AgriFoSe2030 and how to translate science into policy and practice malin.planting@slu.se During spring 2024, the Global Talks series will highlight various potential

Lunch Seminar - Organizational change for more inclusive academic working environments

ld-webb@slu.se There are often discrepancies between policies and practice. Based on state-of-the-art insights, common challenges to implementing policies into practice on diversity and inclusion in

Webinar for newly admitted students 16 April

utb-webb@slu.se Students admitted to a Master’s programme or the Bachelor's programme Forest and Landscape at SLU, are welcome to attend this preparatory webinar. This webinar will provide

Teaching Active E-learning

A course that aims to develop the skill to use active e-learning by using the ideas from the ”Flipped Classroom”.

Doctoral co-supervision in theory and practice

ld-webb@slu.se Educational Development Unit (EPU) The Division of Learning and Digitalisation Email epu@slu.se Web Educational and digital support
