SLU news

Tool for self-assessment

Published: 20 April 2020
The global aims in Agenda 2030, illustration.

Are you curious about how your research project links to Agenda 2030 and the achievement of the sustainable developments goals?

SLU is one of eight Swedish higher education institutions participating in the AGERA-project, funded by Vinnova, which aims to evolve the university's collaborative capacity to, in the long run, strengthen the contributions to Agenda 2030 and the achievements of the global goals.

All actors, both public and private sector, civil society and not least academia need to contribute to the achievement of the global goals. Several research funders, both in Sweden and internationally (EU), require a classification of which sustainability goals a project contributes to.

The SDG impact assessment tool ( is a tool that easily guides you through a self-assessment of how your project/activity contributes to the SDGs and visualizes the outcome.


Questions about the tool? Contact Marnie Hancke,, phone 018-67 11 81.